Your Guide To Digital Smile Design

The thought of undergoing surgery to fix your problem teeth can be bittersweet. While you’re excited about your new smile, there’s still a fear of the unknown.

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The thought of undergoing surgery to fix your problem teeth can be bittersweet. While you’re excited about your new smile, there’s still a fear of the unknown.

Not knowing what the finished product is going to look like, or even whether you'll be satisfied with the results can be daunting, especially when the procedure can take up a lot of time and money.

Join us as we explore how your teeth will look, following the surgery.

What is Digital Smile Designs?

Digital Smile uses brand new digital rendering technology to create your dream smile. We begin by making a video and detailed facial aesthetic analysis to get a better understanding of your teeth, gums, lips and face.

Finally, we create a 3D prototype of your perfect smile. You'll be able to try on your ideal smile to see the final results before the surgery.

digital smile design

Benefits of the Digital Smile

Lets you have your say in creating your perfect smile.
Helps identify the best solution for your problem teeth.
Brings to light any oral problems you may have.

New Life Teeth

At New Life Teeth, we will be there every step of the way to help you smile with confidence again. Book your free consultation now and receive the digital smile experience for free.