How Oral Health Impacts Your Mental Health

Did you know that 24% of women and 13% of men in the UK will be diagnosed with depression in their lifetime?

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Did you know that 24% of women and 13% of men in the UK will be diagnosed with depression in their lifetime?

While many factors contribute to poor mental health, not feeling great about your body and appearance certainly doesn’t help.

Gum Disease and Depression

Research has also been carried out to determine if there’s a correlation between mental illness and gum disease. This study showed that the harmful bacteria from gum disease could travel to your brain and impact your mental health. Once in your brain, the bacteria can cause depression and in some extreme cases, memory loss.

mental health oral health

Poor Appearance & Self-Esteem

Dentures and subpar implants can greatly impact your self-esteem and how you feel about your smile — not feeling like your best self makes it harder to leave the house and share a smile with friends and family.

In-turn, low self-esteem can quickly turn into depression and a whole host of other mental health issues.

New Life Teeth Can Help

At New Life Teeth, we provide numerous reconstruction surgeries, including full arch Prettau Bridge implants, that create a natural and permanent solution to any missing teeth. So you can smile with confidence again and get back to living your best life.

Don’t let your problem teeth get you down, book a free consultation with one of our trained experts here.